I hope today will be an end to the mess I have created (over the past couple months). As tomorrow I want to continue on the journey I have been traveling on since I matured as a boy. I am not asking for my motivation to come back as it is not currently required, but instead the essence of who I am. It is time to go back to the shop and create character rather than show it. The society really shouldn't be the medium to success rather it should be in ones own desire and actions.
I've always felt different. Its something I need to embrace entirely. It could be an opportunity to climb over the brick walls and lead something of my own. Something I have always dreamed of doing. Seriously, fuck the road to success. Fuck the road to happiness. Nobody has lived my life before. Especially under the circumstances of which I am in. Theres nobody that could see through it to guide me up the stairway. The future is an X-factor, how would it be possible unless you possess god like qualities.
I feel a lot better now. I may not be great writer...but its not what only counts you know??
And back to the xanga of this random lady. I'd love to write her an email to show my admiration for her thoughts and beliefs. Chances are I would most probably seem like a stalker/fag if anything. I wonder.