I'm having trouble sustaining my inspirations. I hate to say its the environment and the people around me, but there is a slight of truth in that. Most people aren't quite so forward thinking.
I wonder if creative people have to be moody. It sounds silly, but I do think inspirations are often drawn from transient emotions. Is it possible that a person is vanilla and creative? For me, being uninspired is like living inside a box.
I have ten things to do this long weekend. And I'm excited about none of them. Maybe I should add something fun to the schedule. I want to write a song. Something about love.
Why do you want to write a song about love? Do you fall in love with someone?
Because I can!
"What is the colour of love if that of grief is blue
What is the colour of joy if that of loneliness is gray
What is the colour of the sky if that of the ocean is blue
I say the colour of the sky is also blue because it falls in love with the ocean
What is the colour of love if the memory is vague
What is the colour of craving if time stands still
What is the colour of eternity if the breath is perishable
I become wordless because the earth is also thinking about this question
What is the colour of transparency if the wind is cheerful
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