Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Often, the "correct" way is not the best way.

The gathering included a discussion of how early computer pioneers used LSD for inspiration. Douglas Englebart, the inventor of the mouse, Myron Stolaroff, a former Ampex engineer and LSD researcher who was attending the symposium, and Apple-cofounder Steve Jobs were among them. In the 2005 book What the Dormouse Said, New York Times reporter John Markoff quotes Jobs describing his LSD experience as "one of the two or three most important things he has done in his life."


Anonymous said...

The gathering included a discussion of how early chinese philosophers used rice for inspiration. Confucious, the great thinker, General Tso, the man who imported the most important food to US, and Houston Rocket's own Yao Ming were among them. In an old book bought from Barnes and Nobles, Beijing Times reporter David Hasselhoff quotes Yao Ming describing his eating rice experience as "one of the two or three most important things he has done in his life."

ErikC said...