Thursday, June 26, 2003 <---- I dun't know what to make of this, i mean, canto pop through another culture...pretty interesting...sometimes I wish I lead another life to have the chance to see through both of these experiences....

4 days til I leave.....or should I say 4 more days of blogging.....I'm assuming unless I have the free time to sit around and surf the web at work, I probably won't be up here much.....i guess its just this hongkong thing...or should I say HongKong me?.....People change in different environments.....we don't act free.....we act accordingly to whats around us.....where we are, who we are with, what we are doing.....just the air around us makes us think different.....

I feel a lot better now....still sick...but a lot better than I previously did over the last 2-3 days....i guess its cause I've woke up...I'm back in reality.....

~~~ Goldfrapp - Black Cherry ~~~
~~~ Bent - Irritating Noises ~~~

Everything is connected in this world because everything happens for a cause. And I mean everything. Its like computer code, its like the matrix....everything is made of code and everything can be explained in terms of code.....I guess in that sense, maybe science is a bad is the theoretical explanation of in other words, the religion of science is telling us that there is no free will??.....basically, everything can be explained, everything is hardwired.....everything is logical....or better yet, science gives us the boundries an idealist would call basically describe as taking away our free will??......oh whateva...i'm crazy talking.....

Has anybody tried to use a shortcut to a folder that is already in the destination folder?


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