Wednesday, January 29, 2003

ok...i'm finally back at be more precise, i'm back at skool and classes have be even more precise, i'm back at school and classes have started for 2 big days already......

I had a crazy holiday. It was awesome (haha...awesome this awesome that) was a hella an adventure i suppose.........3 weeks back in hongkong just doing my thing .....getting my life back into order i call it......lesson learned: never ever ever leave your home like that again!!!.........and everybody was telling me i was crazy for not going home......i think i finally realize what they mean by that now........
so yeah...there was sorta an attempt to blog this one time on christmas was was spilt milk.....i had nuthin to blog about...and what i did think about did not cut into know, the "keep it private" stuff........i propose i turn into another person everytime i go back to much more outgoing, less emotional, less in touch with feelings, more energetic, more wild....all in all, its a different me........i think i like hongkong airik slightly more......i'm more confident, less caring about the details......
And i thought there was no such better place than my room back at home.....nah-nah-nah.....i think my apartment at skool now stands a good fight...or maybe its better?! thing for sure, i feel like i'm in no better place to be when i'm home in my apartment or in my room in hongkong.......i feel so free.....its awesome to feel like you're safe and sheltered away from the darkness lingering in this world.....just being alone or hanging out with "those friends" know who you are...

1st week of holiday was just shocking. I couldn't speak cantonese properly, i couldn't communicate properly....i felt like i had tape across my mouth.........i wouldn't know how to react to things...i wouldn't know what to say.........i mean,!!..........thats not cool man......thats not me in my world.......i felt like everything was just so ahead of got a hella lot better towards the end of the holiday....after a trip to tokyo.....hanging out with the same bunch.... again, lesson learned: go home from now on!!!

TRIP TO TOKYO W/ FAMILY...=)))))))))))) period

All sorts of trips before skool started..........mad jackass.....ging jeng!! chiu jeng!!.......pittsburgh, boston, again this weekend?!...hey, its chinese new year!!

I think i lost my thing for music.....hopefully it'll return this semster.....but sad enough, i can't write no more....i don't feel the music in my bones anymore........not that i don't like it, but i'm not as interested as i used to be......was it just a phase??........i don't listen to it as much as i used to anymore.....

HongKong is not for the weak hearted. This holiday, i realized how others in hongkong feel about things i never used to before. Is it becuz i grew up? Or is it becuz i've changed from my long absent from home? Sometimes when you feel like its so hard to do something the first couple times you do it, you don't understand you're only a step away from having it come together where it all makes sense. The later you try to make it work, the harder it becomes....and at some give up. I feel like i fought a long battle this holiday.

okok..its getting late....blah....nite ppl.

~~~ Air - Playground Love ~~~
