Tuesday, December 10, 2002

i dunt come up here nemore......things have changed.....i don't have the urge to blog nemore...i think i have better things to do now......i think i've changed both in some ways more and in some ways less this semster....its hard to explain....its crazytalk.....definitely living alone at my lovely apartment has influenced the way i am and think.......

I think i've become back to more of a serious person (uptight!! yes!!) this semester.....so much more determined and straight forward with what needs to be done....I feel thats more erik....thats the way i've always been, and it seems like life works better for me this way......'to chill' is like something i've been through during phases and i guess its just not my thing........a reason why i say this is because I look back to my previous blogs.....and i was just thinking how immature i was then......its like, no matter what i say, I've opened myself to signs of stubborness..........however, before, i used to look back at my blogs and liked exactly what i wrote on each and every blog...
Then again.....its just a thought.....maybe i'm still the punk i was......

~~~ Lifehouse - Spin ~~~......repeated again and again on my comp....its darn good......my world makes much more sense when i listen to this song.......its been keeping me alive....


i love thanxgiving....i do.....i remember a couple years back.....back in the day of misery...those same ol days at northfield......i always had such a good time during thxngiving........going to NYC....visiting my bro......going shopping...eating at nice restaurants......those are the type of times i'll always remember........they go by sooooo quickly too....but yet, after its over, in your memory you feel like that was the longest time ever...so action packed...did so much shit.........the thing is, its only a weekend like everyother each week.............its like, when you go back to skool....meet back up with hell.....you feel like you were away for two weeks or something.......thats what a good time is all about....hehe....azn jackass....

one of couple last blogs.

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