Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Future of Management

Just when I'm starting to feel that business books are getting tired, I come across a new gem.
'The Future of Management' by Gary Hamel delves into the topic of management innovation. In a nutshell, the point of the read is that management innovation is often not only overlooked by managers, but also a key to being sustainably competitive.

Gary emphasizes that our continually (rapidly) changing world will continue to require breakthroughs in management. And to make his point clear, he points to how not-so-long-ago, companies have radically changed the way they are run and how employees are treated. This is exemplified by the small-med businesses in the early 20th century to Ford Motors Company to Google.

Management Innovation is both fun and challenging. I think the games/web industry is a great testbed for such experimenting. I would claim that being able to perform such experiments is a reason I am an entrepreneur.

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