Wednesday, June 26, 2002

Aite, this is gonna be my last blog before i head to da west.....too much to do from now til i csf and automata exams.....and still needa pack and move my stuff (including diz comp and my baby elec. guitar)......dang, i miss it already...haha....

HEhe....the one day road trip to Virginia and DC........was cool....eventhough Ron and I didn't get as lost as we expected.......haha.....f*kin pickupizms more of that shit next year...i'll be rollin on ma own auto........hahah....was tite tho.....stocking up on chips, mocha candies, water, and a whole pile of CD's......hehe......change the CD f*cka....

If theres a movie that needs to be seen......I'd make it the new summer block buster 'Minority Report'........shit, itz good.....i still go around sayin 'I haven't been entertained for a straight 2 and a half hours for soooooo long'.......nearly every aspect of the film is perfect that way it is......a plot that twists and brings you all over the place.......damn cool prediction of year controversial too ^^//......all those gadgets and BME shitz.....haha...shit......and of course, directed very well......i'm not a steven spielberg fan.......but he's really proven to me in this film that he still knows how to hit the audiences' sweet spot.......i say again.....If theres a movie to be seen so far in this summer....make this the one!!

Got a really neat comp case from last week......with a blue plasma light inside it and all that......its gonna be real neat......also got parts to upgrade my comp.....more memory.....a bigger harddrive for my daily expanding MP3 list (its around 2300 mp3's as of now)......and also the platinum Audigy Sound Blaster card.....hehe...gotta listen to my music with the quality you know??......hopefully i'll have the time to upgrade it before i leave....especially with all the work in the way and stuff.....

Was talkin to volcom 3 a lil while ago......hahah....and i promised him that I'd kinda skim on my life transition thingys throughout my life....i actually don't really like talkin about my past on da blog...seems so boring and not interesting to read....but whateva....
So yeah, I was a friggin geek back then....pretty much all the way uptil grade life revolved around computer games and video games...that was all i did then.....i would goto skool during the day...come home and play games and do all that geek shit on my comp.....i'd fiddle around with the comp memory (back then you had to reorganize your memory to play certain games on MS-Dos).....basically, games was all i worried about...all that i thought about and talked about with friends....hahah...

Then, at some point....i somehow got suckered into sports...mostly basketball.....uptil now, i still don't understand why i liked it then...but i just did....and i played it day in day out....always after skool.....maybe it was cuz all the big guyz at my skool played it....and I'd watch in amazement while they yeah, upto now...i'm still pretty proud I made it to captain of the team before I left to boarding skool (it was respect man!!..hahaha).......i turned from a complete gaming freak into a jock.....i still played video games a lot...but it wasn't to the point that i had nuthin else in was the basketball i suppose, that kinda lead me to play other sports all just rolled in together, i played everything....badminton, volleyball, athletics, blah blah....

It was til i left for boarding skool...for grade 11...that i changed again.....maybe cuz i just felt then that sports was not going to be the thing that would put me into a good college (a lot of other things too...but that would take another entry to talk about..i'll do that some other time).....i pretty much put a stop to most of the sports i played......haha....and to the amazement to a lotta those that knew me from before.....i started working!!....hahah...i was obsessed with doing well and getting into a good college....i did my h/w right after class...and aimed to finish most of it before study hall everynite (if i remember its 8pm - 10pm...its basically, during that hafta stay in your room and study..stupid prep skoool stuff)......i was such a nerd towards the end of highskool......the only time to let out was when i came back every summer and christmas...going out to do random stuff at was, however, at boarding skool....that i learned many important of those is to appreciate everything in this world (only an int'l skool kid would see the difference if they had to leave to a boardin skool like mine...argh..)....and another is Music.....i had music on in my room basically 24 hours a was like as if i was a constant never ending DJ.....i'd play CD over CD while i did whateva i did in the room......trance and japanese rock were probably the first two things that i got absorbed into first......i liked techno a lot cuz it was all digital and stuff.......i liked trance with no vocals (opposed to i love vocals now)........and japanese rock was just cool...dunno y..haha...........One of the most amazing things is that i actually hated music as a kid (opposed to being totally in love with it now)......all throughout the geek and jock life....i never paid much attention to music...i always thought that music just wasn't my thing....i thought i was a sporty kid or something......anything musical was not important to me....
So I finally got to JHU through hard work in prep skool.....having to come here with the mind set of 'party party party'......i got ass raped by the skool......i got blown down mentally....I pushed myself to somehow stick with the crazy BME stuff........throughout my two years here so far....i guess I've finally found my balance..........sports, design, skool, music, computers, games (ok, less games), family, friends and just life in general.....i've kinda pulled everything together into this weird pretty boy guy that likes and appreciates everything around me......haha...i appear to be nothin i really am.....i don't smoke....i don't goto a shitty uni...i work...i love music....i like to particpate in intellectual discussions.......(and everything i don't look as if i am).....Its as if i've tied up every phase of my childhood to become what i am rite now......
I'm tired...i wanna stop...too many'll take pages and pages to fill in...

HEhe....Music of the Ramble.....I suppose these two songs started it all for me.......~~~ Children - Robert Miles (trance) ~~~ I For You - Luna Sea (jap rock) ~~~~....uptil this day....i still love these two songs......won't ever get sick of them.....

i'm an hour late to csf...think i better bounce..

oh and also......BK at the JH movie like.....and the chill drive....nice..

Airik bounced.

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