Its the perfect time to blog right now. Todays classes are over...well, not technically....but it is for me ^^
Ron is asleep, everybody else in the suite is either sleeping or at class, i just got my midterm back (hehe...i'd prob be up here either if i did good/bad)....but if you know me, i guess it wouldn't be hard to tell how i did from the way i blog rite now...........lesson learned: prove what you can say, don't say what you can't prove.
Anywayz, back to the perfect time to blog rite now....yeah...i was reading some other ppls blogs just now...and somehow got inspired to come up and waste a lil time of my own too.......i have a good couple ideas in mind.......but i'm not quite sure which one to start with first....cuz usually, by the time i finish blogging about one point i'll have forgotten all the others i wanted to talk about.....its frustrating too....discourages me to continue to blog cuz I've forgotten what I've wanted to blog about..and its the 'thing' i want to blog about...nuthin else...
Ok, stupid point made already.....and now to some random rambles.....hehe....lemme start with the 'crazy talk'.........i actually really like that phrase......i can still hear ron bitchin 'crazy talk airik...crazy talk' next to me rite now as i blog........i gotta admit its crazy tho........hahah...krazy airik...i actually like it.......Ok, so as i always do...lemme explain 'crazy talk'.....the logic behind it.........This is how it works:
Things happenning around me triggers thoughts......and thoughts triggers other thoughts.....and this goes on like letz say for example, the I think of thought A...which leads to thought B...which leads to thought C...and etc....
The thing is....letz say i have a string of thoughts A to the time i get to thought F...and i see a connection between thought A and thought F......i start explaining that connection i see, hence the 'crazy talk'.......I would explain the connection from thought A to thought F through B,C,D,E......but i would forget C,D by the time i get to thought B....I would try backtrack my thoughts from thought F, but will have forgotten thought B by the time i backtrack from thought F to C........if i ever do explain the whole sequence from thought A to thought F through B,C,D,E....i would've forgotten the direct connection between thought A and F......hence, the crazy talk....cuz theres either no point to any of my explaination if i dun't explain all the connections correctly between the logic........
Ok...theres more to this crazy talk logic...but i'm startin to feel i should just keep it as that.....i'm crazy talkin already.....sounds like some automata shit anywayz...but yeah, crazy talk is good.....its so crazy its always a good laugh.... about the song of the Ramble??....Everyone of you know of this one already....but its just sooooo musically delicious that I feel that I should blog about it anywayz....just to make sure the one or two kids that haven't heard it yet, now know about it.......i consider this commericalized pop music at its best ~~~~ Stan - Eminem feat. Elton John (Grammy Award Performance) ~~~.......i got the ask me for it....its damn cool...........
Aite...i'm bored now...gtg
gay..i spilt water over my cordless keyboard...and now its gone krazy too..
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