Friday, May 30, 2003

I love work. I hate work...*sigh* a bitch isn't it??......i miss work when i don't have any, i hate it when i have a lot......i can't ever just be satisfied can i?.....

It just occured to me that my dad thinks i'm 21 years old. I was managing my email earlier today, and i just noticed that the subject of his email to me for my birthday said happy 21st birthday??......although its probably no big deal.....knowing my dad and that he loves me, he probably didn't make a mistake but actually doesn't exactly know how old i just funny to me how symbolic it is for an uncaring parent to not know how old his son is, while in this case, he does care......haha....but anywayz.....

~~~ Junior Senior - Move your feet ~~~
~~~ Strung Out - Somnobulance ~~~
~~~ Third Eye Blind - Crystal baller ~~~....very dissapointed with their new album =(

Its gonna be a long summer 2003....argh....Biochem lab + American Icons on Film and GRE for the first part....and then Citi Bank internship for the second part pretty much all the way til the school year starts off again............i definitely need something to look forward to........rite now, theres nothing other than getting college over and done with this coming Christmas.......well, i dunno...maybe not....i guess the best times are those that aren't expected to be....and I'm just not seeing things rite like the parties and drinks I'll be heading to all throughout this time........maybe i'm just going through a temporary jaded period, I'm just tired and want to get stuff back on track ( my resume, GPA, grad skool app).......

Dinner time. Urgh.....Eel, rice and beef stew tonite.....

"I hate kittens."

Wednesday, May 28, 2003
^----------- hahha.... i belong in the union of all 71%, 59%,37%,28%, & 26% activities of road risks...

If I'm not wrong, I haven't been sober for a day all the way since May 8th.....Hmmmm....(reality finally checks-in after a simple subtraction).........oh my god!!!...19 days of chilling.......=/ maybe its time to get back on track.....
Haven't been in the mood to update my blog these dayz....probably cuz i've been busy hanging out mostly throughout the to see most the chiggas....pretty fly stuff...catching up on the ol times, makin new memories to live for........its awesome.....i definitely bummed out hardcore.......
Haha.....I've had some pretty crazy moments over the week though.........not to mention shaving my legs skin smooth, getting cracked out hardcore, showing up randomly at doors with no plans/shelter for the night (Yey! I'm not cliche)...=] .........I'd want to live like theres no tomorrow ^^;, I now have better legs than most women on this earth...

I like California. Other than the weather which half the world also admires too, I like CA for its style....I feel easy......its so much more laid back.....I'm still not understanding why they don't offer 'Jamba Juice' and 'In & Out' over here in the east....or rather really why not anywhere else in the world....haha...crazy talk, but those are probably the franchises this world needs to offer more of.......I would love a double-double protein style + strawberry dreamin anytime.....

~~~ Jimmy Eat World - No Sensitivity ~~~
~~~ Death in Vegas - Scorpio Rising ~~~
~~~ Data 80 (album) ~~~ Electronic house, sorta Dirty Vegas but not really..hahah....


Wednesday, May 14, 2003
^------- definitely believe in this shit...its what half of this damn blog is all about.

Summer 03 has begun.....its incrediable how time flys by at an incredible pace...shiet....and I'm done with junior year!! So crazy.......its gonna be all over before I have the time to stop and think.........(argh...writers subject)....

I've been doing an awful lot of shopping these myself new Ts, shirts, jeans, a jacket.......haha.....and I'm still heading to Woodbury and Century21 later this week........i'm broke already........(argh...writers subject)....

I guess I'll be staying at school most of this summer......haha...again!!......its all good though, i'll have plenty of visits in and out of this place to keep me alive....(argh..F it...i'm outta here)...

"...your blog is reeks of your ego..."

Friday, May 09, 2003

Only a couple hours away from my last exam. Yessh, hopefully everything goes well.

The "real" space monkey has been around.....His presence has made it a weird reading period this semester....usually, I live like a hermit when it comes to studying...but its been different this time, he's around and I've been somewhat distracted.....its not a bad thing i suppose, I still feel like i'm in pretty good shape for my coming up exam.....Haha....i just can't wait til its all over..........cuz guess whats gonna be cracking afterwards? =]

I need a haircut. Definitely gonna get it this weekend (haha...more NYC). I just want a trim though, I want to keep it just a little longer than being categorized as being short. I was thinking whether I should dye it chrome-silver too. Thats been something I wanted to do for a while but never got to it cuz I never found silver/chrome hair dye....well, not til I found it at Tokyo last christmas......but yeah, if i aint able to go home til August....and I won't be working or anything in the mean time, why not?! *blink* *blink*....Hmmmm....

Whether you read this or not: I feel incredibly honored to be somebody elses role model (well...excluding my special 'fatty' lil bro)......I dunno, although I'm madly in love with myself too ^^; a lot of ways I think I know better kids out there......I'm spoilt, hard on other people, cocky, stubborn.....hmmmm.....thats it??....haha....well...yeah...point made....I'm not that great.......
I dunt really know what to say......although I obviously look up to people too.......I think its most important to be yourself......I believe everybody is always on the same ground as everybody else.....theres nuthing called 'too late' or 'can't be done'.....its all about the individual and how bad the determination to strive is..........I suppose I tend to sculpt myself accordingly to who I want to be in my mind....whose traits around me are worth learning from......what my goals are......and how are my priorites balanced out......
Okok...enuff talk.

Time to move on to my last words with those phyfound txt books.

Monday, May 05, 2003

Did not accomplish any work whatsoever today, argh...great.....
Its funny though. Although I stayed at home all day today and didn't study at all, I feel like I got so much done. I feel like my body and mind are both satisfied with the day. I guess its cause i feel like i'm ahead schedule with my studying (probably not in reality, but still...)....Its cool though, I don't hate myself for procrastinating....I sorta see it as a time when I balance out my studying mindset...

Ha. Can't wait to spend time with my older brother....well obviously I can't wait.. he's my brother, I love him......but yeah, I remember I used to chill with him in NYC whenever I got a break from damn Northfield.......good food, shopping, movies, anything I wanted to do.....i miss those times, were always fun....always got back to school thinking I had the best weekend among everybody....
Anywayz, its definitely gonna be an awesome coming weekend.....not to mention "the love" the weekend after that.......haha....thats gonna be what I call being 'chiu gangsta'........i don't want to hear NO EXCUSES from nobody!!!

I want to let my friends know they're the coolest in this world. I can rest my life on you all, you know who you are. I'm utmostly glad that we've got what we have. Its all love, theres no conspiracy, no holding back. I can say what the fuck I want and it'd never be used against me. There are no benefits, there is no such thing as using somebody. Its as real as it can get. My friends are people that stay with me for the rest of my life. I can hang out with them and act myself without needing to think about how they'd feel about it. I can act like how i normally am when I'm alone.This is probably crazy talk to some of you, but I pity those of you that think you know what good friends are. If you think you do, you should seriously spend the time to think again. There is always another level, always.
I suppose its why I've became all of a sudden overly protective of myself throughout my time in college. I came to college thinking everybody either knows that well too or is open to this thinking....I guess I was wrong. Nobody seemed to understand. Nobody understands what the word 'good friend' means. Friends aren't people to hang out with, they aren't people you just meet up with when work is done with. You don't hang out with your friends because everybody is supposed to hang out. You don't have them just to have them. They aren't another circle of people in life......your friends are what you are. They are what the words 'good friends' technically mean......people you "chill" with, and not those you'd be spend time with but keep things different inside....
I'd be insanely happy to see mine everyday. I am sure every one of them feels the same way too.... the real world is full of crap out there. I'd hope the rest of you not to miss out on these fundamental wonders of stop thinking for yourself, think about it, and think about where I'm coming from.

~~~ Frou Frou - Breathe In ~~~


Happy w/ things. Can I rely on hope yet? Can I? Or am I dreaming blind? from Lau

SHuNShuNLaU: dude i'm fuct
Ec4K: sup
SHuNShuNLaU: shit man
SHuNShuNLaU: i'm soooooo fuct
Ec4K: watup?
Ec4K: everything coo?
SHuNShuNLaU: i have a fucking hickie on my neck dude!~!!!!!
Ec4K: ahhaawahahahah
Ec4K: ahahahahaha
Ec4K: ahahahhahahaha
Ec4K: ahhahahahah
SHuNShuNLaU: fuckkkkkkkkk
SHuNShuNLaU: i don't even know how this happened
Ec4K: chiu jeng!!!
Ec4K: hahah
SHuNShuNLaU: diu lei ahhhh
SHuNShuNLaU: i have to see my girl in like 2-3 days
SHuNShuNLaU: i'm sooooo fuct
Ec4K: hahah
Ec4K: say you got hit playing bball
SHuNShuNLaU: its fucking huge dude
Ec4K: say
Ec4K: you duunno what happenned
SHuNShuNLaU: hahahaha
Ec4K: you just got it after bball
SHuNShuNLaU: thats true
SHuNShuNLaU: fuck man
Ec4K: make fun of it
SHuNShuNLaU: ging mmm deem ah
Ec4K: say it looks like hickie
Ec4K: hahahahaha
Ec4K: man
Ec4K: thats the best shit to start my day
SHuNShuNLaU: hahaha
SHuNShuNLaU: shit....
Ec4K: watiching game 7
Ec4K: and you telling me shit like that

Friday, May 02, 2003

Hmmm........theres only one thing left between junior year and I.....Phyfound EXam!.......just one more...just one least work week is over *phew*......just gotta study my brains out and should be fine...not too many hopes (plans to study everything inside out..but to do above avg would be awesome already -_-; ) that I talk about it, reminds me I should start studying.......haha...i work up at 9:45am and spent the last hour or so playing the guitar.........ARgh, that was not the plan....
Guess I should stick up to my words. Peace outside.