Only a couple hours away from my last exam. Yessh, hopefully everything goes well.
The "real" space monkey has been around.....His presence has made it a weird reading period this semester....usually, I live like a hermit when it comes to studying...but its been different this time, he's around and I've been somewhat distracted.....its not a bad thing i suppose, I still feel like i'm in pretty good shape for my coming up exam.....Haha....i just can't wait til its all over..........cuz guess whats gonna be cracking afterwards? =]
I need a haircut. Definitely gonna get it this weekend (haha...more NYC). I just want a trim though, I want to keep it just a little longer than being categorized as being short. I was thinking whether I should dye it chrome-silver too. Thats been something I wanted to do for a while but never got to it cuz I never found silver/chrome hair dye....well, not til I found it at Tokyo last christmas......but yeah, if i aint able to go home til August....and I won't be working or anything in the mean time, why not?! *blink* *blink*....Hmmmm....
Whether you read this or not: I feel incredibly honored to be somebody elses role model (well...excluding my special 'fatty' lil bro)......I dunno, although I'm madly in love with myself too ^^; a lot of ways I think I know better kids out there......I'm spoilt, hard on other people, cocky, stubborn.....hmmmm.....thats it??....haha....well...yeah...point made....I'm not that great.......
I dunt really know what to say......although I obviously look up to people too.......I think its most important to be yourself......I believe everybody is always on the same ground as everybody else.....theres nuthing called 'too late' or 'can't be done'.....its all about the individual and how bad the determination to strive is..........I suppose I tend to sculpt myself accordingly to who I want to be in my mind....whose traits around me are worth learning from......what my goals are......and how are my priorites balanced out......
Okok...enuff talk.
Time to move on to my last words with those phyfound txt books.
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