Friday, May 30, 2003

I love work. I hate work...*sigh* a bitch isn't it??......i miss work when i don't have any, i hate it when i have a lot......i can't ever just be satisfied can i?.....

It just occured to me that my dad thinks i'm 21 years old. I was managing my email earlier today, and i just noticed that the subject of his email to me for my birthday said happy 21st birthday??......although its probably no big deal.....knowing my dad and that he loves me, he probably didn't make a mistake but actually doesn't exactly know how old i just funny to me how symbolic it is for an uncaring parent to not know how old his son is, while in this case, he does care......haha....but anywayz.....

~~~ Junior Senior - Move your feet ~~~
~~~ Strung Out - Somnobulance ~~~
~~~ Third Eye Blind - Crystal baller ~~~....very dissapointed with their new album =(

Its gonna be a long summer 2003....argh....Biochem lab + American Icons on Film and GRE for the first part....and then Citi Bank internship for the second part pretty much all the way til the school year starts off again............i definitely need something to look forward to........rite now, theres nothing other than getting college over and done with this coming Christmas.......well, i dunno...maybe not....i guess the best times are those that aren't expected to be....and I'm just not seeing things rite like the parties and drinks I'll be heading to all throughout this time........maybe i'm just going through a temporary jaded period, I'm just tired and want to get stuff back on track ( my resume, GPA, grad skool app).......

Dinner time. Urgh.....Eel, rice and beef stew tonite.....

"I hate kittens."

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