Wednesday, May 28, 2003
^----------- hahha.... i belong in the union of all 71%, 59%,37%,28%, & 26% activities of road risks...

If I'm not wrong, I haven't been sober for a day all the way since May 8th.....Hmmmm....(reality finally checks-in after a simple subtraction).........oh my god!!!...19 days of chilling.......=/ maybe its time to get back on track.....
Haven't been in the mood to update my blog these dayz....probably cuz i've been busy hanging out mostly throughout the to see most the chiggas....pretty fly stuff...catching up on the ol times, makin new memories to live for........its awesome.....i definitely bummed out hardcore.......
Haha.....I've had some pretty crazy moments over the week though.........not to mention shaving my legs skin smooth, getting cracked out hardcore, showing up randomly at doors with no plans/shelter for the night (Yey! I'm not cliche)...=] .........I'd want to live like theres no tomorrow ^^;, I now have better legs than most women on this earth...

I like California. Other than the weather which half the world also admires too, I like CA for its style....I feel easy......its so much more laid back.....I'm still not understanding why they don't offer 'Jamba Juice' and 'In & Out' over here in the east....or rather really why not anywhere else in the world....haha...crazy talk, but those are probably the franchises this world needs to offer more of.......I would love a double-double protein style + strawberry dreamin anytime.....

~~~ Jimmy Eat World - No Sensitivity ~~~
~~~ Death in Vegas - Scorpio Rising ~~~
~~~ Data 80 (album) ~~~ Electronic house, sorta Dirty Vegas but not really..hahah....


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