I've been wanting to blog for sometime already...finally, my chance to do so.....
Its way past bedtime already....11PM!!!....So late!!!....hahha...yeah, i need my beauty sleep before work.....or maybe (to sound less gay) I dread waking up without enough sleep...i need/prefer >=10hours....yepyep...plus, the day goes be more quickly when I'm awake and focused....
Haven't had the time to check out any music these days...I guess I'm normally too tired after work and I don't bother to stop by the record store or anything.....I've been spending a lotta time on the guitar tho. I don't even realize I spend 1-2 hours on it everyday during the weekdays when i have work...last weekend I was averaging even more time playing... 3-4 hours??....
~~~ Morcheeba - Parts of the Process ~~~ Trip hop for the soul. Definitely nice and relaxing to listen to. I've been guitaring a lot over the album these dayz.
Hmmm....maybe i should talk about somethin else other than work and summer....
I've been thinking a lot about how it is like to grow up these dayz. Its crazy. We all grow up to find out how complex our world is. When I was young, I used to think I knew pretty much everything, but I now feel like I know nothing...seriously, nothing at all, even I doubt my own conscience, my own feelings.....I feel like everything i think of is probably so much more complicated in the real world.....i'm just a biased fool.....if everyday we are learning new things, then we must be currently pretty wrong about things....
I've been noticing how older adults think these dayz. Pretty much all adults older than me. I've been constantly fitting myself into their shoes trying to imagine what they had gone through and how their goals have changed as they grow up. I know someday, chances are that I'll go through the same changes and I'll start thinking about things like stability, family, work, heavy responsibility, etc......haha...to think about it even more, I'm living such a chill life right now......I don't think I'm fully appreciating my freedom and restless body....maybe I just won't ever til its over..
I guess one of the biggest things that I feel would have an impact on me is kids. I can't tell how I'd change then, but for one thing, I'm going to be a good dad like my father. I suppose it reflects how I've grown and seen my own dad be a father... I'd like my kids to go through a similar childhood too. Seriously, its only until I was nearly past my teens til I realized how much my parents had done for me. How much that had been done behind me all along.
Hahaha...I think I sound so silly...but I always had this thing about taking the mini-bus at night....like sending my significant other home or something.......its so romantic......it gives me that sticky intimate HK styled urban romance feeling......sort of like how New York City or Tokyo can be very romantic places for love......haha....but anywayz.....
Way way past bedtime.
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