Monday, April 01, 2002

**ATTENTION ALL AIRIK'S RAMBLINGS FOLLOWERS** - The following post is a WOT, continue under your own discretion.

should be studying rite now...spent half the day worrying about the following week..lots of things in mind...all these tiny bits and pieces to follow up with......i should actually be finishin my signals h/w rite now......needa get that stuff done so that i can watch the game tomorrow....College Park vs. Indiana........I'm all for Maryland man....GO TERPS!!!

Got both Tosca and Gorillaz's CD already.......didn't like Tosca's... gay......just wasn't my thing....they weren't exactly the type of dub's i was expecting to hear......haven't had time to hear the Gorillaz one yet (also means i have visited the library enough these dayz)....somehow i have a feeling that its not gonna be what i'm i'm not too hyped about it anymore...hope this lost in expectations will help me appreciate it more when i do hear it.. (3/4/2002 - OH SHIT, THE B-SIDES CD IS GOOD!)

SIgh...what should i talk about??...hehe...i'm so givin myself an excuse not to start signals.....hehe.......i've pretty much been gone through my whole phonebook, AOL and ICQ lists already....just wanting to waste time...somehow spend it on integrating rather than regulating.........kinda explains why i'm up here rite now blogging about something i have no clue about......

Letz see....ermm....yeah, i got my fukin turntables all hooked up finally......pretty tite....its been hard to mix tho.....not used to the new mixer mostly.......too many options....its been difficult to hear whether the beats are matched or not yet through the cues....

grades been suckin....yeah, tats a tough one...i've been doin 'ok' on the shitty classes which i spent less time on....and i'm failing my hard classes eventhough i've put in the most time on that stuff....i'm like in the middle of nowhere........sux to be BME........i wanna chill out....go major in music........go finally do something i have appreciation for......

still decidin on summer plans....chances i might goto UBC / Berkley for summer skool for a session...and at Hopkins for the earlier session...not sure yet....still need to get things organized......and planned out......its important...somehow it seems like i spend more time organizing my work and stuff rather than doin it.....

btw??..any of you having prbs reading my blog??...not being able to follow my shitz?? sociology professor and TA said i have probs writing or something....something wrong with the way i write and my train of any of you 'Airik's rambling' blog readers feel that i have this problem and tell me about it.......(shit, i'm seriously rambling now.....u can so see how i'm just tryin to waste time here)...

- When you're high, you don't feel it. But when its low, it hits you like a mutha fucka. - ...heh...words of wisdom man......this one is for you slut...(wondering if you notice this one is for you)....ha...chill out i always say......forget the 'suck it up' thing....i'm tired of that, doesn't really work......we both good examples of proving that....hahahah.........

Hey Lenard, this one ramble is personally for you: I SAID!!!!!! STOP WASTING YOUR TIME!!!!........hahah.....j/k....go listen to me and get a part-t job man...u won't regret it...i swear...

No complains in life for the moment. Not exactly living the MAX life....but hey, no complains man.......i can't ask for more.....FRIENDS, FAMILY, PS2, CS, BALL, WORK, COLLEGE, MUSIC,.....its not bad man....i'm somehow still surviving.....not on the verge of suicide.....i'm just living on....looking towards that one day when i hit my first big check....finally, that day when i feel secure as a person.....when i bore my first child......

In the mood to pick up the guitar once again....aite.

song of the ramble..hehe...~~ Groove Armada - My Friend ~~

oh yeah, btw...WOT means....Waste Of Time... =P....I figured chances are that 10/10 of all readers will read-on anywayz.

"Live life 'for' and not 'by' the moment." - as she says =)

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