~~~ Foo Fighters - Hey Johnny Cash ~~~
~~~ Mum - Green Grass of Tunnel ~~~
~~~ Wayne Newton - Danke Schon ~~~
I'm currently taking some intense emotion management classes. Its driving me crazy.....sometimes I wonder how its possible to oppose your emotions...or should I say, theres no way to do so??......i might be wrong here, but I'm starting to feel like the only way out of it is to numb yourself with other emotions......*sigh*.......yep, go work...go play ball.....go fuck yourself and get those emotions off you......
Is that whats its all about??......all abstinence??....can i not be real to my emotions??.....can I not stand up to them and analytically solve them?
Haha...i feel like such a loser these dayz.....or maybe I just am?.......its like, i aint shit......i'm nothing more than an individual cliche.....everything i feel, everything i've done, everything i will do has been felt,done and did before........what the hell is my purpose??......why am I still living??.....whats the purpose of my existence??.......what cause am i?? or rather, what effect will i bring??........I need to know more than the fact that i'm here to write this blog for others to read.......I need to know a grande purpose.....i want to be able to stand up to the whole world and be like, 'This is what I've accomplished.'
Once again, and again, and again....to y'all chiggas.....WAT UP!!!!!.....hahahha......and THANX. I am a lost soul without you guyz.
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