Sunday, June 08, 2003

I think i'm a Jack-ass/Tom Green person. I have this big thing with pushing the limits of normal social behaviour. I like to think out of the box, I like to do stupid witty things....I want to think of myself as free. Not that I approve of everything tom green and the jackass crew do, but I defintely approve of their behaviour and take on life. Some people mite seem to think that I'm the example of a perfect straight up guy, but I don't agree with that at all........I love crazy ideas, or even better, crazy execution.....especially when you aren't harming the interests of others,i'm totally down with it...
I'm in love with adrenaline rushes.....I like the numbness found in undivided attention...i like to be focusing......

Sometimes I really wonder who I really am. I think I've learned the most about myself over the past 4 years so far in life. I really wonder if it'll ever stop, cause I'll know myself pretty darn well by then.

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