Its time for me to start think about graduate school. Where do I wanna go? What do I want to study?....What am I gonna do after I graduate at the end of 2003? Work? Bum? Travel? Hmmmmm.....I feel both old and I feel l like none of my friends are going through the same stuff I am....all you stupid idiots.....fai di graduate lah....
I think I'd like to goto Stanford or Columbia for FE tho (uh-huh, thats if i get in!!....).........but yeah, life will go on if I don't....I think I'm pretty good at accepting the reality, plus, I feel like aiming at top universitys thats what I get for my sorta ego...
Anywayz, seriously tho...I feel so damn old......I hear about kids that are still deciding where to go for undergrad and I instantly feel like I should be there too.....I'm not old...still yet to become 20.....and I'm planning to graduate?!!......I feel like I'm ahead....or maybe i actually am?!....haha....this sounds a lil stupid, but part of me actually wants to stay back and hang around.......
Gonna work out and bball more in a while......its becoming a habit.....or should i say a habit revisited??....yep, its all coming back to me.....its been a while since I've felt that complexity in playing sports and doing excercise......I guess i always understood it, but just hadn't had time to experience it again.........hahha......yeah, what it comes down to is that I used to have a lotta work..........I felt like I always had work to be completed (and I actually did) before...but now its just like, I have everything on top of......the funny thing is, I never realized college was chill like that.....i never realized I was one (among the rest of the nerds) of the only ones that spent so much time getting my school work and all that together.....only til now, I found out there was so much time to chill, rest and do what I want to do.......
Not gonna post music, check previous two entries for stuff. I suppose make sure you chek out 'Weekend Players - Jericho'....thats a huge one.
Gonna bounce.
"I don't want to be a liability. I want to live life and be an asset of the people around me."
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